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Nature Inspired Play
While colorful play events are great, sometimes kids just want to get back to nature. Imaginative and fun, nature-inspired events make a great addition to any playspace, backyard or playground while blending in with the natural aesthetic. Besides, they just look so cool! Kids of all ages really enjoy climbing up, around, and over these climbers.
Nature Playground Castle Rock Climber
This great Castle Rock climber can be used as a freestanding play event or it can be used to access 48″ deck heights on PlaySteel MAX or FIT. Painted by professional artists
Dimensions – 9′-2″ long (2.8m), 6′-3″ wide (1.9m) 8′-5″ tall (2.6m)
ClimberGlass Fiber Reinforced Concrete (GFRC): A concrete mix reinforced throughout with chopped glass fibers. Cement used shall be Type 1 Portland cement meeting the requirement of the ASTM C 150. Fine, clean, dry sand, able to pass a No. 20 sieve, free of contaminants or deleterious matter and meeting composition requirements of ASTM C144. Glass Fibers specially designed for use in concrete; shall be alkali-resistant (AR) fiber and chopped to 18mm lengths, with 12mm lengths in any topical coat. Concrete shall have integral color that shall be harmless to concrete strength, alkali-resistant, shall not to exceed 10% of amount of cement, and conforming to the requirements of ASTM C979 for color steadfastness. Minimum physical properties shall be: 1500 pounds per square inch in tension and 5000 pounds per square inch in compression.
Model No. CC050
Age Range: 5 to 12 years
Playground Standards: CSA Z614, ASTM F1487
Children should always be supervised when using play equipment.